A3 Revision mat for Christianity: Beliefs & Teachings. Entire unit on one revision sheet.
Resource includes:
1. Nature of God
2. Creation
3. Eschatological Views
4. Jesus (Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension)
5. Role of the Spirit/Word in Creation
6. Covenants (Abraham and Moses)
7. Sin and Salvation
8. Sacraments
9. Problems with original sin
10. Grace and the Spirit
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Lesson: What do Sikhs believe about evil and suffering?
This resource is Lesson 7 on a new Sikhism unit aimed at KS3. The lesson and PowerPoints include a range of engaging, high-quality activities covering different Sikh responses to evil and suffering.
Lesson includes:
Homework slide
Review of prior learning
Title, objective and date
Key Words
AO1 - Knowledge and understanding
AO2 - Analysis and evaluation task
Scaffolding is included in the Powerpoint itself and also in the resources to ensure maximum engagement and comprehension. Challenges (extension tasks) also exist throughout the lessons to further enhance skills and understanding.
There are a variety of knowledge, understanding and evaluation tasks throughout the lesson, including video and debate activities that the students always love - year-on-year.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Revise the whole unit in one booklet!
Suitable for all pupils of GCSE Religious Studies: WJEC Spec B: Paper 2: Religion and Human Experience!
Knowledge and exam practise in one booklet. Everything a pupil needs to know for this unit in their exam!
This unit was created for the new GCSE specifications (based on Eduqas) for a Study of Judaism: Beliefs and Teachings.
Covers a Study of Judaism, required for new specifications. Divisions and distinctions made between different Jewish denominations.
8 double lessons (approx 1 1/2 hours per double lesson), including PPTs, resources and differentiated resources, where necessary. Often, differentiation is scaffolded into the PPTs via animations, which you can use if needed.
Each lesson includes:
- Resources
- Lesson Plan
- Full PPT
- Starter / Main / Plenaries (including mini-reviews)
- SMSC Focus
- Literacy Focus
- Christian Value focus (you may wish to delete this if it is not standard practice within your school)
- Objectives, Outcomes, 3D Learning Objectives
In addition to the taught lessons, there is also an assessment lesson, complete with exam technique, hints, tips and mark scheme. The assessment lesson included in this Bundle also includes the assessment for Judaism: Practices, so double-check you’re giving your pupils the correct paper after the Beliefs and Teachings unit!
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please let me know if there is anything else you would like to see within the resource. Happy teaching!
Lesson on Christian Sacraments, intended as a double lesson (roughly 1.5 hours) as part of the Christian Practices Unit.
Lesson includes:
3D learning objectives and differentiated outcomes
Construct Activities
Apply Activites
Sample Exam Question
Differentiation (where necessary)
Created with the AQA RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Publisher documents (PDF also included) to cover Philosophy and Ethics: Issues of Human Rights - ideal for independent study or revision/exam practise.
4 separate booklets, covering:
1. Human Rights
2. Social Justice
3. Censorship
4. Freedom of Religious Expression
5. Religious Extremism
6. Prejudice and Discrimination
7. Wealth and Poverty
8. Christian responses to the issues outlined
9. Humanist responses to the issues outlined
10. One set of A - D questions per exam booklet, with exam hints and technique.
These booklets are ideal for independent study or set as topic-specific homework/revision. All exams questions relate to the content discussed and give pupils a chance to practise their answering of exam questions and their exam technique.
Resource also includes A, B, C, D-style exam questions with some exam hints and tips
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Creative and visually engaging learning mat / revision sheet for Issues of Life & Death: Abortion
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' RE/RS education in general - which is what we're all here for!
This is a learning mat indented for independent study or revision for the topic of Religion and Ethics: Sexual Ethics, as part of the OCR AS/A Level specification, although it can be applied across specifications. Document can be downloaded as an A3 Word document and as an A4 PDF, for compatibility.
Resource Includes:
Premarital and Extramarital Sex
Natural Law
Situation Ethics
Kantian Ethics
Do religious views still have a role in modern sexual ethics?
Is sexual behaviour private?
Created with the OCR RS AS/A Level in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Resource includes information about responding to Human Rights:
- Amnesty International
-Malala Yousafzai
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' RE/RS education in general - which is what we're all here for!
Lesson intended as a double lesson (roughly 1.5 hours) as part of a unit of work called ‘The Existence of God and Revelation’ for the AQA spec at KS4. This lesson is called ‘The Nature of God’ and is L1 in the unit. This lesson can be taught as a stand alone lesson or as part of the unit.
Lesson includes:
3D learning objectives and differentiated outcomes
Construct (Main tasks)
Apply tasks (Exam practice and technique)
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Lesson intended as a double lesson (roughly 2 hours). Lesson includes:
- Gallery task starter
- 3D learning objectives and differentiated outcomes
- Definition task
- Video Q&A
- Nature and purpose of suffering (cloze task)
- Humanist perspective (video)
- Christian values
- Exam practise, with exam technique
- Peer review
- Hot seating plenary
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Quick and easy revision in a creative way!
The flip cards cover:
1. Key Concept Words
2. 6 Revision task ideas and hints/creative extension tasks
3. Tenakh, Talmud and Kosher
4. Items Worn in Worship
5. Rites of Passage: Brit Milah; Mar Mitzvah; Bat Mitzvah; Marriage; Funeral Rites
6. The Synagogue
7. Problems Facing Synagogues
8. Worship (Orthodox and Reform); Types of Prayer; Worship in the Home
9. Fesitvals: Shabbat; Rosh Hashanah; Yom Kippur; Sukkot; Pesach
In addition to the material you can download, you may want to buy keyrings to keep them together. These can be bought in bulk (packs of 100) from Amazon, for example, for about £1.80.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Lesson intended as a double lesson (roughly 1.5 hours) as an introduction to studying RE/RS at KS3. Lesson includes:
3D learning objectives and differentiated outcomes
Religion challenge
Why study religion? marketplace
Response to Alan the alien
Peer Assessment and Feedback
Differentiation (where necessary)
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
RE/RS KS3 Scheme of Work entitled: Christian Beliefs, intended to support learners who will be progressing on to GCSE.
6 Lessons, which can be taught as part of the whole unit or as a stand alone lessons. Each lesson is intended to last approximately 90 mins.
This highly relevant and engaging unit, which explores the origins of religion as well as the purpose of studying religion in today’s world.
Lessons included:
What is Christianity?
Christian beliefs about God
What is the Bible?
Christian Creation
The Life of Jesus
The Afterlife
The unit includes a variety of tasks, from Q&A, video and constructive tasks, to creative group work.
Please give feedback. I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Creative and visually engaging learning mat / revision sheet for Jewish Practices: Festivals (Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur/Pesach - Passover/Sukkot)
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' RE/RS education in general - which is what we're all here for!
Creative and visually engaging learning mat / revision sheet for Jewish Practices: Rituals (Brit Milah/Naming ceremonies/Bat Mitzvah/Bar Mitzvah/Marriage/Death and Funerals/Shiva)
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource. Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils' RE/RS education in general - which is what we're all here for!
Created with the WJEC / Eduqas RS GCSE in mind, though can be applied across specifications and qualifications. As an examiner for this specification, I have used what I know of the course to create this resource.
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
Lesson intended as a double lesson (roughly 1.5 hours) as part of a unit of work exploring who exactly Jesus Christ was with KS3. This lesson is called ‘Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus’ ( or ‘Did Jesus Actually Exist?’) and explores the context of the area at the time of Jesus. This lesson can be taught as a stand alone lesson or as part of the unit. This is Lesson 2 in the series.
Lesson includes:
Homework slide (for editing)
3D learning objectives and differentiated outcomes
Construct activities to build knowledge
Apply activities to use knowledge
embedded differentiation (where applicable)
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!
This is a unit of 6 lessons for the OCR unit on Gender in Society and Theology. Lessons cover a variety of tasks, activities and learner styles, geared towards the final exam. Also included is the In addition, included for free is the Workbook for home-study and revision!
Lessons are:
Roles of Men and Women
Assessing Gender
Free resource: Workbook on Gender
Please give feedback! I am always happy to respond to comments - whether positive or constructive - this will help to improve the quality of my resources in the future and, more importantly, the quality of pupils’ RE/RS education in general - which is what we’re all here for!